Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dirty Wow Wow

I came across this book while I was at work yesterday and it really made me smile. You know when you were a kid how you had that favorite stuffed animal/blankie that you just couldn't let go of? That is what this book is all about. The book is basically set up so that on one page there is a picture of the favorite inanimate object (great pictures by the way), and on the facing page a little blurb about who owned it and what it meant to them. The pictures are great, and the stories are very endearing. It's a quick read; I read it from cover to cover within a half an hour.

1 comment:

bluemuf said...

What a neat book. I love children's books and will have to find a copy of this one.

You might find this swap interesting over at The Polka Dot Pixie.
